Regular Meeting on January 13, 2011

Meeting began at 7:30 pm.  Council members Patrick Wojahn and Christine Nagle were present. Mayor Andrew Fellows, council member Marcus Afzali and Robert Catlin joined later. MD 21st Delegate Joselyne Menyk was also present at the meeting.

WSSC’s contract project manager Robert Spigone could not be present at the meeting to update the status of water replacement work in north College Park, however he sent an email to NCPCA, which was summarized by President Mark Shroder. According to Mr. Spigone, all water and sewer work were to complete by December 24, 2010. An additional water main (40 ft) was added at the intersection of Muskogee St. And 49th Avenue to eliminate the leaking valve there. Final restoration is currently being done (weather pending) which includes concrete work for sidewalks, driveway, and curb/gutter, asphalt paving of water and sewer trenches, and grading, seeding, stabilizing grass areas disturbed (yards, tree box areas, and R/W’s). Final restoration as far as Mill/Overlay paving will follow in 2011 by WSSC and their paving contractor more towards summer. Members commented that they would like to see WSSC restore the streets where they have removed pipes to the condition they were in before the excavation. Maryland Delegate Joseline Melnyk said, as the WSSC subcommittee Chair in the House, she will contact WSSC with residents’ concerns.

State Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, who is serving her second term, spoke to the members about the issues the house members are working on in the current House session. Ms. Pena-Mylnyk said the House currently has 26% turnover, with 141 delegates and the Senate has 47 Senators. Ms. Pena-Melnyk  has been a member of the health care subcommittee, which is one of the 6 committees in the House. As the new Chair of the WSSC subcommittee of the Prince George’s county, she will be dealing with 4 new bills. She said every year over 2500 bills are passed. Each bill first comes from the related committee and then it is passed in the House first requiring 71 delegate votes (out of 141 votes). Then the bill goes to Senate where it needs 24 Senators’’ votes (out of 47 votes) to pass the bill. The House will be discussing alcohol tax, possibly a gas tax and the same sex marriage act. It will also be working on balancing budget to address $1.6B deficit that the State is facing.

Moved by Larry Bleau and seconded by Leslie Booth, the December 2010 minutes was adopted.

Moved by Leslie Booth and seconded by Larry Bleau, members adopted a Bylaws amendment in Article VIII, section 2. The motion passed by voice vote without any opposition. The amendment will require any future amendment to obtain majority support at the first meeting, at which it is introduced, and two-thirds support (as in the current bylaws) at the next meeting, where it is voted upon

Moved by Larry Bleau / Jim Mullins: Instruct the Board to draft appropriate language to present at the next meeting for Article X (Dissolution) of NCPCA By-Laws that would add to it the requirement that when a member wishes to dissolve NCPCA there be a two stage notice, and require that a motion to dissolve needs a vote of two-thirds; further, that the Board should review and, if needed, present revised language describing the distribution of assets. The motion passed. (Full text of the amendment appears elsewhere in this notice.)

President Mark Shroder reported that he sent a letter to SHA asking to more strictly control contractor traffic related to building projects on Route 1; and ensure an unobstructed sidewalk on the north side of Route 193 between Rhode Island and Branchville Road. He said he also sent another letter to the City Council asking to take further steps to clarify the requirements of the rent stabilization ordinances. He also said that there will be a hearing at County council hearing room in Upper Marlboro, 6 pm, January19, 2011 about the alleged UNO violations of Comfort Zone, 9721 Baltimore Avenue.

Treasurer Joe Smith reported that as of January 12, 2011, the ending balance is $1222.88 in bank. Total expenses in December, 2010 was $103.77, out of which $77.37 was spent on toner cartridge, and $26.40 on postage stamps.

Board member Donna Weene asked members to review the use of name tents in the meeting; no decision was made.

Members discussed the concerns expressed by some residents due to excessive lights on Lackawanna Street. The new lights were activated by Pepco recently as part of the Lackawanna street streetscape project. Council member Patrick Wojahn commented that the City engineer is looking into ways to reduce the lights’ intensity.

Member also discussed Speed camera, however no major concerns were expressed.

During the discussion of old business items, President Mr. Shroder explained how to address a concern on rent control ordinances. He said the rent ceiling depends on the maximum of three figures: 2010 HUD, DC Metro Area Final Fair Market Rent for a 4‐bedroom unit, 0.6% of the property’s total phase‐in assessment value as of 7/1/2010 and the documented rent charged in 2005, before adoption of the ordinance. If a property rent exceeds the maximum ceiling, a landlord can appeal his case to rent control ordinance board.

Resident Sarah Jazs expressed her concern about City’s $50K Pattern book project. She said a similar pattern book was already developed back in 2003. Member Marcia Booth commented that the City is lacking communication with its residents on matters like pattern book project. Council member Marcus Afzali said the project is part of the strategic plan and it recently held a public meeting at the City Hall.

Moved by Larry Bleau: Adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.

Respectfully submitted by Fazlul Kabir, Secretary