Regular Meeting of November 13, 2014

Minutes of Regular Meeting on November 13, 2014

Meeting began at 7:40 pm. Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Patrick Wojahn were present. Mayor Andy Fellows arrived later.


City Hall Expansion/Relocation

Members discussed City Hall expansion/relocation plans. A new City Hall is needed due to an additional 36KSF office space needed by staff and a lack of meeting space. One site being considered is Calvert Road (old elementary school). The City owns this property, staff would not have to relocate during construction, cost would be $7.1M, and the site is restricted to public use. The other site is the current Knox Road location. The City owns this site as well, cost would be $7.9M, and the City would have lease office space elsewhere during construction.

A third site was introduced for consideration: the Stone Industrial site in northern College Park. This is 17 acres, has 12KSF office space, 3 buildings (office, office/manufacturing, and warehouse), would have to be purchased (currently assessed at $5.6M), has a big campus that would allow future uses, is in an I-1 zone, and fronts on a residential street. The City may need only a small part of the property, but the owner wants to sell all of it. Fazlul Kabir reported that the mayor would not allow discussion of a request to have staff research the site as a possible third alternative.

Police Services

Present were Capt. Lloyd (District 1 commander), Cpl. Logan (COPS officer), Lt. Day, and Dave Boyd (assistant) to give a crime report. On 10/3 Weaver, a person long wanted by the police, was arrested for breaking and entering (B&E) and theft from auto (TFA). There have been serial B&Es: after an arrest other come out. Locally there have been a lot of TFAs. There has been graffiti, spray painting, and vandalism, but no eyewitnesses; police are checking if these are gang related. Residents are the police eyes and ears; call if you see something!

The City has 3 full-time contract officers, 30 part-time officers.  Thirty-two officers work for the City in conjunction with District 1, two cars at a time.  Bob Ryan will train neighborhood watch teams; Robert Boone will coordinate them.  The weekly coffee club meeting with police takes place Wednesday mornings at Jason’s Deli.  Police offered to do a free home security survey upon request.

At 8:54 the meeting took a short recess; snacks and beverages were served. The meeting resumed at 9:05.

FBI Development Update

There was no additional news.

Reports and Announcements


Moved by Ann Riley/Mary Cook: Adopt the minutes of NCPCA October 19 meeting with minor changes; motion passed.

Treasurer Jackie Pearce-Garrett was not present, but sent in a report: Spent $16.10 on checks, earned $0.01 interest, current balance is $1,272.37.  Last month’s Staples expense was actually around $100.00 rather than $93.33.  There were no other officer reports.


The College Park Community Foundation (CPCF) awarded $4,000 in grants to local nonprofits; a CPCF fundraising gala will be held on Sat, 12/13, cost $45, get $5 discount using code NCPCA2014; on 11/17 at 7:30 at Davis Hall there will be a town hall meeting to discuss sidewalks on Hollywood Road; there will be a winter coat drive next week; the College Park Choral group will start rehearsals.

Moved by John Krouse/Arthur Eaton: Extend the meeting beyond 9:30. Motion passed.

Neighborhood Updates

Maintenance of unoccupied homes during the summer was poor, they receive a notice after grass grows 12″ high, grass at vacant homes can get cut in as little as 15 days; Monument Realty building at Cherokee and US 1 (JPI West) has been approved; Arthur Eaton stated the company Vivent will install solar panels on your roof for free.

New Business

Reconsider Hollywood Road Extension

Mark Shroder, who was not present when NCPCA took its vote to oppose a feasibility study to extend Hollywood Road, requested that the item be placed back on the agenda in December. Chris Nagle agreed to do so at some future meeting.

CSX Tunnels

Moved by John Krouse/Mark Shroder: Request that the County DPWT post signs in the four tunnels area stating “no trespass, keep out.” Moved by Mark Shroder/Rob: Substitute for the current motion a motion to request that the City install cameras at these locations. Moved by John Krouse/Arthur Eaton: Amend the substitute motion to also request that the County post “no trespass after dark” signs on both sides of the tunnels. The amendment passed, then the amended substitute motion passed.

Location of City Hall

Moved by John Krouse/Fazlul Kabir: Have NCPCA go on record requesting that City Council select a City Hall location easily convenient to all residents, and that all feasible alternatives be fully explored prior to a decision. Motion passed.

Moved to adjourn at 9:58pm by Larry Bleau/Stasia Hutchinson.

Submitted by Larry Bleau, Secretary.