Regular Meeting on April 9, 2015

Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 9, 2015

Meeting began at 7:30 pm.  Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir, Patrick Wojahn, and Alan Hew were present.


College Park Honda

Tom Haller, attorney for the dealership, explained that because of service demand they are proposing to expand the service portion of the dealership by adding 16 new bays (10,000sq ft).  The additional space will be in the rear of their property and not visible from Route 1.  The project will not result in an increase in pervious area at the dealership.  Area for expansion is already paved, additionally in an area east of the new service, the paving will be removed and it will be turned into green space.

Greenbelt Metro Development

Councilmembers Kabir and Wojahn gave a brief summary of the city council presentation by Mr. Garth Beall (Renard Development).  There is a question about the baseline for the building heights, and whether the plans use the metro platform or below.  Motion by Mark Shroder to authorize officers to negotiate on trade off of square footage between buildings near the beltway and the buildings near Lackawanna Street.  Discussion included questions of whether changing the building mix would affect the balance of amenities at the site, and whether traffic would be reduced on Route 1.  It is understood that the officers may include in the negotiations any individuals that may help.  The motion passes.

Priorities for the Payment from the Greenbelt Metro developer to the City: Possible focus areas include green space, which may be important with the developments on the horizon.  Also for consideration is the Hollywood streetscape projects is not fully funded.  Please think about this for a later discussion, because the funding has not been earmarked yet.

Update on State Highway Administration Project on the metro interchange: The city staff (Terry Schum) has not been invited to meetings or included in correspondence even though College Park is supposed to be part of this group.

Dog Park in North College Park

Dog parks need space, fencing.  If it is a neighborhood place where people should walk to, not much parking is needed, though in previous discussions at NCPCA, residents expressed concerned about people driving to the park.  Possible locations:  Narragansett and 52nd, Hollywood Park, Kenesaw and Davis Field, Duvall Field (a portion of), Next to public works, near the park behind Moms, Back end of Palco.  Further discussion of potential parking needs and seeing what other parks are available and how they operate, such as Acredale which uses a membership fee.

City Strategic Plan

Topics that we wanted to cover which were not emphasized: more services available in North College Park, green space, decreasing vacancies in North College Park, prioritizing Open Space acquisitions, Community Center.  There is money in the current MNCPPC budget for a feasibility study.  MNCPPC slated the community center at Hollywood Elementary as an expanded gymnasium.  Councilmember Lehman has requested that the feasibility study include all options in the Rhode Island Edgewood corridor.  The draft strategic plan did include making things available online and a push for social media.  The council will meet on May 5 in a worksession to discuss comments.  They will vote on the strategic plan in June.

New City Manager

A high priority would be put on ability to manage personnel, since this is the biggest area in which the council cannot assert itself.

Announcements and Reports, New Business

Edit to the minutes from March meeting: Branchville instead of Beltsville gardens.  Motion to adopt minutes with this edit: John Krouse / Phil Aronson.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: Current balance is $1,275.28, which includes $15 in dues since the last meeting.

Neighborhood update: Trash littering is an issue around vacant houses near 52nd and Narragansett.  Potential agenda item for next month.  Car vandalism reported near Cherokee.

Mothers Day 5K

Motion by Susan Keller / Les Booth to sponsor the College Park Mother’s Day 5K at $275.00.  Approved, with 2 abstentions (Jackie Pearce Garrett, Patrick Wojahn).

Other announcements

Hollywood Farmers Market starts April 25.  April 25 is also Maryland Day.  April 26 is a meeting of College Park nonprofit, hosted by College Park Community Foundation.  April 22 is the budget town hall at the College Park Community Library.  Future agenda items were discussed, including a legislative update for May, Washington Gas in May, WSSC in June, and the mandatory recycling program in June.

Mark Shroder / Arthur Eaton move to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned at 9:28.

Submitted by Larry Bleau, Secretary; prepared by Jackie Pearce-Garrett.