Regular Meeting on February 8, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm. The NCPCA account balance is now $1054.29.  Peter Lakeland moved to approve the January minutes and Bill Robertson seconded, noting that he had seconded the motion to adjourn the January meeting; the vote in favor was unanimous.  City Councilmembers Krouse, Milligan, Hampton, Catlin and Cook were in attendance throughout, with the Mayor and Councilmember Catlin arriving later.  XX members and XX guests were in attendance.

PDC Campfire: 48th and Branchville – proposal to build an 8-story apartment building on the 1.2 acre property.  Anna Ubeda moved to ask PDC Campfire to return in plenty of time to form a committee to discuss and contribute to the development of the property.  There was no opposition at the time of the meeting.  Larry Bleau seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Summit/IKEA: Previously, there was going to be a Bugaboo Steakhouse on the property; now there will be a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant there.

Greenbelt Station balloons: There will be photos provided to the City to be posted on their website of how the balloons looked from various vantage points.

9909 Baltimore Ave (the Non-Spooky House): The developer entered into a written agreement with the City with the approval of the NCPCA committee; the detailed site plan will be heard at County on March 1st.  Anne Riley moved to empower the Committee to act on behalf of NCPCA, Robertson seconded, and all voted in favor.

County Transportation priorities: Kiersten Johnson moved to approve the position that safety and improvements on US1 and Rhode Island Avenue are our priorities.  Chris Behnke seconded.  All were in favor save one.  Lourene Miovsky moved to add the Purple Line as one of the priorities in Johnson’s motion (while maintaining US1 and Rhode Island as the main priorities).  Steve Jascourt seconded, and all were in favor save one.

City Budget Priorities: First: Johnson moved to first prioritize Perry item 12 and Krouse/Milligan (K/M) items 2&3.  Behnke seconded and all were in favor. Second: Kennis Termini moved to make the second priority K/M item 11.  Lakeland seconded.  Behnke moved to amend by adding K/M item 12.  Termini seconded, all were in favor.  Bleau moved to add K/M 10 to the package, Ubeda seconded, and all were in favor to make K/M 10-12 the second priority.  Third: Bob Seward moved that K/M 8 and 18 be the third priority; Krouse seconded; all in favor.  Behnke moved to drop 18 from the motion; Lakeland seconded; the vote was in favor.  Fourth: Johnson moved that policing (at the current budget level) be the fourth priority; Termini seconded, and all were in favor.

Time extension: Lakeland moved to extend the meeting past 9:30pm; Riley seconded, and the vote was in favor.

Note: A vote on joining the Purple Line Coalition should be added to the March agenda.

At 9:50, Behnke moved to adjourn, Johnson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by

Kiersten Johnson

NCPCA Secretary