Minutes of Regular Meeting on February 20, 2014
Note: This was postponed from the February 13 meeting date due to weather.
Meeting began at 7:30 pm. Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Alan Hew were present.
Discussion Items
While there were no presentations, members did have a candid, free flowing discussion of several items. No positions were taken on these matters.
College Park Academy
It would require $18 million to bring the Terrapin Trader site up to code. The University of Maryland expects College Park to share in the costs. The City is considering a land swap whereby the former College Park Elementary School property on Calvert Road would be given to the University as the City’s share in addition to a $4 million contribution. The College Park Academy Board prefers the Terrapin Trader site, as does the University; it seems neither now prefers the Al-Huda site. There is some talk on Council about a new City hall location.
Greenbelt Metro
A member went to the CRICC meeting and gave an update. The FBI wants a fence across the creek. Contrary to earlier proposals, the latest conceptual drawing shows the road connecting to the beltway running alongside the CSX tracks. Next week the GSA will decide between the Springfield and Greenbelt sites.
City Budget Wish List
Among the wish list items voiced by members were: smarter parking enforcement by staff, catch or prevent abuse of parking passes, undergrounding of power lines along US 1, more RRFB (flashing beacons) along Rhode Island Ave., use of vacant stores by the City for seniors and youth.
Announcements and Reports
Moved by Mark Shroder/Lisa Ealley: Approve the minutes of NCPCA January 9 meeting with minor corrections; motion passed.
Treasurer Jackie Pearce-Garrett was not able to be present. John reported on her behalf a current balance of $1,331.24; no expenditures have been paid since the last meeting. There were no other officer reports.
On Mothers Day (May 11) there will be a 5K run, which will start and end at the Hollywood Shopping Center parking lot, estimated time frame 7-8:30am, with an awards ceremony at 8am. NCPCA is a sponsor of the run. The College Park Book Festival will be on 3/22, 2-4pm. Good Neighbor Day, a UM outreach effort, will be on 3/29. Construction will begin on Gateway Park this summer.
New Business
Moved by Mark Shroder/Lisa Ealley: Redesign the NCPCA flyer and spend no more than $200 to produce 1000 copies. Motion passed. John Krouse appointed Chris Nagle, Lisa Ealley, and Betty Rodenhausen to design the new flyer.
The meeting adjourned at 9:58 pm.
Submitted by Larry Bleau, Secretary.