Regular Meeting on January 14, 2016

Minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 14, 2016

Meeting began at 7:30 pm. Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Christine Nagle were present. Mayor Patrick Wojhan was also present.

Treasurer Eric Hoffman reported a current balance of $881.63 savings, $141.49 checking, $1,023.12 total, no transactions since the last meeting. There were no other officer reports.

Presentations, Reports

Ch2m – Corvias Solutions

Pete Littleton and Tasha Brokenberry presented to members the efforts of Ch2m to help the County meet EPA requirements and deal with the unmet/unfunded stormwater mandate. This is a public/private partnership with a 30-year lifetime to design, build, operate, and maintain stormwater facilities (“units”). They have previous experience with campus and military; this is their first city. They will use 30-40% local businesses, use local knowledge, allow alternative compliance with groups, and will cover any cost overruns. The first three years they will retrofit 2000 acres and determine the best facility to put at a given drainage area. Examples: concrete box w/filter, bioswale, and bioretention pond. These will capture and filter water. The top layer of mulch will have to be replaced each year; the filters are rated at 10 years. The company will work with local contractors, will mentor contractors protégés, will have workforce development (pipeline of employees with new skills), and work with local growers to provide native plants needed for projects. For now projects will be on public property and public right-of-way.

Meeting with City Manager

Scott Somers, the new City Manager, introduced himself (from Oregon, then Tucson), then distributed the College Park Action Plan (Aug 2015) for College Park’s Strategic Plan. NCPCA had submitted a list of ideas in 2015, many of which were incorporated into the plan. For example, there will be a new window at Davis Hall to sell parking permits, and staffing it will not require any new employees. The City plans to add a communications coordinator to handle marketing, Facebook, Twitter, and web. He then reviewed the entire action plan with members.

At this time the meeting took a short recess; snacks and beverages were served.


Fazlul and Chris presented ideas that may be in the draft City budget. Timeline: wish list ideas have to be in by 2/12, first draft ready by 3/31, budget worksessions in April, adopt budget 5/24, and effective date 7/1. Their wish list so far includes: Hollywood streetscape plan (design money, to be done late summer); sidewalks on US 1; money to build Gateway Park (design is complete); Duvall Field concession stand and related projects; community center (no location yet); services to seniors and youth; and another pedestrian crossing light (at Indian & Fox).


Moved by Larry Bleau/John Krouse: Adopt the minutes of NCPCA December 10, 2015, meeting without change; motion passed.


Larry Bleau summarized the Fence Ordinance listening session the Advisory Planning Commission held the previous week and informed members how they still submit comments.


Thirsty third Thursdays, held at Ledo’s 5-7, have become a regular happy hour; 1/21 Berwyn Civic Association will have a presentation by SHA about a pedestrian crossing of Greenbelt Road; 1/31 Recreation Board will have a bowling night $5 for the first 100 comers;

Moved by John Krouse/Eric Hoffmann: Adjourn the meeting. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Submitted by Larry Bleau, Secretary.