Regular Meeting on June 9, 2016

Minutes of Regular Meeting on June 9, 2016

Meeting began at 7:30 pm.  Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Christine Nagle were present.  Mayor Patrick Wojhan was also present.

Officer Reports

Treasurer Eric Hoffman reported a current balance of $1029.52; no expenditures have been paid since the last meeting.  Vice President Arthur Eaton reported there is water line work in the area of 51st St.  There were no other officer reports.


Hollywood Parents Group – Several parents of students at Hollywood Elementary School attended the meeting and discussed ways to get involved.  The group, called “Second Cup of Coffee,” meets regularly at the school to facilitate ways to get together and help the school; fundraisers, for example.  They are different from the PTA, although their group includes the head of the PTSA.  Jackie Pearce Garrett talked about the things that NCPCA does.  Areas of common interest included safety, yard waste pickup, theft, and street light outages.  Fazul Kabir mentioned that the City is translating many of its forms and documents into Spanish, starting with the most commonly used, and that the City is allocating more funds for lighting.  Jackie and Vilma, the heads of the two groups, agreed to work together, and that discussion of any changes should involve them.  The possibility of a joint activity, perhaps in a park, was raised.

At this time the meeting took a short recess.

Old Business

NCPCA Banner

Previously moved: Purchase a banner for NCPCA to display at community events.  After brief discussion the motion passed.


Previously moved: Authorize printing a full-page flyer for the City information packet.  These will be due in early August.  Moved by John Krouse/Eric Hoffman: Amend the motion to authorize spending no more than $230 for a full page flyer, but try to reduce the cost.  The amendment and the revised main motion then passed.

Yard Signs

Previously moved: Purchase 10 yard signs of the larger size, total cost about $200.  Jackie gave an updated cost of $175 for 15 signs, size 18″x24″.  The motion passed.

New Business

Survey Results

Council members Kabir and Nagle presented members with the results of the survey taken in May.  About 83% wanted a dog park in northern College Park, 51% said they would use one.  About 87% said they wanted a community garden, and 43% said they would use it.  Such a garden would take about 15-20 people to start.  The former Stone Industrial property was mentioned as a possible site for both.


By acclamation members voted to elect Jackie Pearce Garret as President, Arthur Eaton as Vice President, Larry Bleau as Secretary, and Eric Hoffman as Treasurer.

Neighborhood Beautification Ideas

There are many outages of street lights; this is a public safety issue. Jackie will email out a link to PEPCO to report the outages.  Graffiti is also a safety issue.  Perhaps members should plan for a walk through the neighborhood to identify areas for beautification projects.

Duvall Field Committee

The group of 6-7 discussed field improvements.  Jackie took brief notes of the meeting.

Minutes and Announcements

Moved by Larry Bleau/John Krouse: Adopt the minutes of NCPCA May 12 meeting without change; motion passed.

Announcements: 6/11 Community Cleanup event will be held, meet at MOM’s; 6/15 Live Smart Eat Local event at a new location on Metzerott Road; 6/17 VFW dinner; 6/20 Zika virus spraying informational session at City Hall; 9/24 College Park Day at the Aviation Museum.

Moved by Dave Turley/Eric Hoffman: Adjourn.  Motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 9:27pm.

Submitted by Larry Bleau, Secretary.