Regular Meeting on June 8, 2017

Minutes of Regular Meeting on June 8, 2017

Meeting began at 7:37 pm.  Mayor Patrick Wojahn and City Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir, Christine Nagle and Mary Cook were present.


Moved by Jaime Lark/Arelis Pérez: Adopt the minutes of NCPCA May 11 meeting with corrections; motion passed.

Jackie Pearce-Garrett introduced Moriah James, a UMd student majoring in anthropology who is working on a project to record stories of the Hollywood neighborhood. Those interested in contributing their stories should contact her at or by phone at 410-689-9982.

Treasurer Eric Hoffman reported a current balance of $1,074.21; $70 of this was from recent dues, not including those paid tonight.  There were no other officer reports.


Legislative Update

MD Sen. Jim Rosapepe distributed a legislative summary then spoke to members about accomplishments this legislative session. He then took questions from the floor.

New Business

Traffic and Congestion

Jackie Pearce-Garrett opened the floor to members so they could voice their opinion on what areas of northern College Park have traffic or congestion problems and NCPCA leaders could plan when to hold a meeting and whom to invite. A lively discussion followed.

Issues and areas of concern included: the intersection of Hollywood Rd. and Rhode Island Ave., driver behavior and driving on the shoulder of Rhode Island Avenue, pedestrian crossing safety and need for enforcement of flashing pedestrian lights on Rhode Island Avenue, possible lower speed limit of 30 or 25 mph on Rhode Island Ave., speed humps on Rhode Island Ave. service roads, back areas of neighborhoods need stop sign enforcement, need for stop sign enforcement at Edgewood and 51st Ave., traffic blocking the intersection at US 1 and Edgewood Rd. (southbound US 1 turning left on Edgewood Road), and a State Highway Administration study that might include a wider median on Greenbelt Rd. for pedestrian crossing.

Jackie formed a committee to look into these and more traffic and congestion issues.

Recent Campus Murder of Richard Collins and How to Respond

The persons who requested this agenda item were not present, and there was no NCPCA resolutions.


Jackie gave the floor to Larry Bleau to conduct the annual elections. The nominees for office were John Krouse (President), Lisa Ealley (Vice President), Judy Blumenthal (Secretary), and Arelis Pérez (Treasurer). For each office additional nominations were solicited, and upon hearing none nominations were closed and members voted to elect by acclamation. They newly elected officers took office at the close of the meeting.


Jackie Pearce-Garrett presented Larry Bleau with a certification of appreciation and some gift cards in thanks for his 20 years as an officer of NCPCA.  Upcoming events: 6/10 Edible College Park will meet and discuss permaculture; 6/10 the Museum of Language will meet 2-4; 6/10 Animal Welfare Committee will meet; 6/10 VFW will host a fundraising pig roast to aid one of its members; 6/14 at YFS a presentation of the Hollywood Commercial District plan; in August State Highway Commission will discuss with Council the intersection of Edgewood and US 1; 6/17 Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a new volunteer group, will meet at United Methodist Church; Meals On Wheels needs volunteers to prepare meals (9am-12pm), 1-5 days/week, contact us at 301-474-1002.

The meeting adjourned with a motion from Larry Bleau.

Prepared by Larry Bleau, Former Secretary.