North College Park Community Association (NCPCA)
Minutes of November 8, 2018 Regular Meeting
Attendance included: Chad Williams, Master Planner & Bryan Barnett-Woods, Planner Coordinator of Prince George’s County Planning Division; Terry Schum, City of College Park Planning Director; Prince George’s County Police Lt. Nick Collins; District 1 College Park Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Kate Kennedy.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm.
October Minutes Approved.
Prince Georges County Zoning Update. Chad Williams, Bryan Barnett-Woods and Terry Schum presented a brief update on the status of the County Zoning Code Rewrite. The use of NCPCA funds for flyers was approved by vote of the membership, and written questions were collected from meeting attendees in preparation for the NCPCA Special Meeting about the Zoning Code Rewrite with County Planners and Councilmembers on Thursday, November 15, 2018, 7:30 pm at Davis Hall. Questions included:
1. Explain the biggest differences in the process between the old and new zoning code, particularly as it involves resident input into the process.
2. Explain the US Route 1 and MD 193 transit zones that involve special transit overlay zones up to 1,000 feet on either side of those roads.
3. Explain the process for the County to rezone open space, including what process might be used to rezone M-NCPPC park land near the Greenbelt Metro station, and other open space property within the transit zone.
4. Explain how more apartment buildings might be allowed in the North College Park area.
5. Explain how eminent domain might be used in North College Park, particularly within areas identified as transit zones, etc.
Development and City Updates. The following topics were presented by Terry Schum.
Hollywood Gateway Park. McDonnell Landscape, Inc. was given notice to proceed March 1, 2019. Fixed price award is $969K, with a one-year warranty. Feasibility study is under consideration for an exercise path, which would come under a different budget.
Hollywood Commercial District Streetscape. An emphasis of the project is to help with bike passage. 30% of the design was completed; four bids for final design were received. Construction cost estimated at $1.3M.
Duvall Field. Revitalization plan was received. Wellness trail under consideration. Official engagement is to begin December 1 and continue for one month, followed by a Conceptual Plan. Estimated cost $150K.
Dog Park. The City Council will address the Dog Park on November 20th. Next steps include a Design phase over the next year, survey, and contract planning. Funding for this project is available.
Town Hall Meetings. Terry Schum expressed an interest in having more citizens involved. Discussion followed on how focus groups changed over the years. The need for the City of College Park to hire a permanent Engineer was discussed as was to reduce the cost and delivery timeframe costs of City projects due to the need to hire consultant engineers for each new project.
Hollywood Road Sidewalk Feasibility Study & Design. Presentation is scheduled for November 19th at 7:00 pm. The project area is along Hollywood Road from Baltimore Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue. The intent of the study is to improve safety for all users. The project is funded for design, not construction.
Rhode Island Ave Protected Bike Lane. The project will provide final design plans for protected bike lanes along Rhode Island Avenue between Muskogee Street and Greenbelt Road. Design plan is 30% completed. Projected cost is $140k.
NCPCA’s Spring Heritage / Cultural Celebration. Marcia Booth presented an update on the event scheduled for the spring 2019. Community input is requested on the following subjects: What celebrations are traditional to your family’s heritage; how does your family celebrate spring or other seasonal activities; what traditional foods, dress activities and / or games are part of your family’s heritage.
City Trash Service. John Krouse opened a discussion of concerns about slow bulk trash pick up in residential areas of North College Park, and members added concerns about the trash and visual degradation of large items left on the curb for days or weeks. More integration between the City’s Public Works Dept. (trash pick-up) and Public Services Dept. (code enforcement) seems necessary to address the concerns.
Treasury Report: NCPCA has a balance of $821.17.
NCPCA P.G. County Zoning Code Rewrite Special Meeting with County Planning Staff and County Councilmembers will be Thursday, November 15, 2018, 7:30 pm at Davis Hall.
The December NCPCA meeting will include a holiday party.
College Park (Basketball) Dream Team with local law enforcers has begun. Games are held on Fridays at 7:00 pm at the College Park Community Center, 5051 Pierce Ave
NCPCA is accepting non-perishable food for our Meals-on-Wheels
Winter Coat Drive is November 5 – December 3rd. Davis Hall, Youth & Family Services, and City Hall are receiving donations.
The first evening community meeting with District 1 P.G. Police is Thursday, November 29, 2018, 7:00 pm at Mom’s Organic Market.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 pm.