Minutes of November 2021 Regular Meeting

November 11, 2021 Regular Meeting at the VFW and via Zoom

Attendees included: Officers: Mary Cook, Ellen Caswell, Dylan Burns, Carol Macknis; Councilmembers: Kate Kennedy, Fazlul Kabir, Maria Mackie; Members: Stephanie Butler, Alaina Pitt, Sylvia Dennis.

Meeting Started: 7:05 pm

Treasurer’s Report: Carol Macknis says that we currently have $1,141.14. She says we have gotten $130 from membership dues. She also said that we spent $19 for the elections, and $25 to the State of Maryland to change the resident agent.

New City Manager

Mary Cook introduced our new City Manager Kenny Young. Mary Cook asked Mr. Young about the parking lot at the new City Hall, specifically if it could be overburdened if many people wanted to go to City Hall for a popular issue. Mr. Young says that there will not only be parking at the city hall directly but metered parking as well. He also mentioned that there is general parking in the area. He said that he does not think it is going to be a problem. It is clarified that there will be no gate, and there is also handicap parking. Jerri Jones asked how do you know that those using the parking are those that are supposed to use them. Kenny says that city personnel have tags they can use, and that they are not afraid to tow people. Carol Macknis said that she might not ever visit the building due to disability issues. Mary Cook asked Mr. Young about his plans for North College Park. He said that there a lot of things they want to look at like the Hollywood Shopping Center, planning to improve conditions, neighborhood stabilization, and using the $22 million from the federal government.

County Redistricting

Dylan Burns brought up a lack of transparency in this redistricting process, and how little information is being given to the general public on it. He brought up the fact that this is going to be a strategically difficult battle due to how fast this process is happening, and the little public knowledge on it. Maria Mackie called this whole process unethical, and that it looks like gerrymandering. Mary Cook said that people should sign up to speak against the redistricting at the County Council, even if the list is too long to speak. Alaina Pitt asks how do we get people active against this considering many are not very politically engaged. A motion is proposed to show our opposition to the recent redistricting map that will remove one of College Park’s County Council representatives, ask for a no vote on this, so that the independent commission’s map will be adopted instead. This is seconded by Carol Macknis. This passed unanimously.


Mary Cook says that in-person the organization used to have 40-50 people attending meetings, and membership has declined. Dylan Burns brought up that we should get people who would not traditionally join the organization to join, like young people. He then states that he has already obtained a list of people who are interested in joining after he has gone out and recruited people independently. Carol Macknis brought up the fact that many people don’t even know the organization exists anymore. He proposed putting up signs through the city to raise awareness about the NCPCA. Alaina Pitt proposed building an online presence, having a welcome wagon, and staffing the farmers market next year. Mary Cook shared an interest in us getting back inside Davis Hall for the welfare of the organization. The holiday party is the next meeting! Dylan Burns, Alaina Pitt, and Fazlul Kabir volunteered to create a Welcome Wagon subcommittee.

A motion was made to end the meeting. It was approved unanimously.