Minutes of December 2021 Regular Meeting

December 9, 2021 Regular Meeting at Davis Hall and via Zoom

Present: Officers: Mary Cook, Ellen Caswell, Dylan Burns, Carol Macknis; Board Members: Judy Blumenthal, Lisa Ealley; Mayor Patrick Wojahn; Councilmembers: Fazlul Kabir, Maria Mackie, Denise Mitchell; from County Councilmember Tom Dernoga’s office: Jerri Jones; College Park Director of Public Services: Bob Ryan; Stephanie Butler, Jamie Clark, Carissa Janis, Alaina Pitt.

Meeting Started: 7:30 pm

1. NCPCA officers’ reports & approval of October & November minutes

Carol Macknis reported that we have $322.16 in savings and $939.03 in our checking account. She also reported that progress has been made on implementing Paypal access. Mary Cook announced that Tom Dernoga wrote a letter in support of a community center in North College Park. Approval of minutes was postponed.

2. Update on Code Enforcement — Bob Ryan, Director Public Services

Bob Ryan said that code enforcement has the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night shifts because that is when they get the most complaints about noise. They also have a weekend shift as well. They have a hotline number, 240-487-3588, which you can call 24/7. Night-time workers are assisted by contract police officers. Bob Ryan also said that inspection reports are not currently posted online, but that anyone could fill out a Maryland Public Information Request Form instead. Patrick Wojahn stated that you can do a code violation search on the city website. Mary Cook said that she has done this many times, and believes that not all of the information is up to date. Bob Ryan also said that code enforcement does not have enough staff to cover all the rental properties. Mary Cook said she has a lot of concerns about multi-family homes and hopes Ryan can come back since he did not have enough time to answer everyone’s questions.

3. Brainstorming session regarding $22 million of ARPA funds — possible motion

Mary Cook stated that the city of College Park will be receiving $22 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. Fazlul Kabir brought up the fact that this sum of money is larger than a whole year’s budget, and so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Fazlul said that this money gives us an opportunity to take on the issue of flooding. After Carol Macknis asked about what could be done to help local students in the community, Mary Cook brought up the high cost of after-care programs at Hollywood Elementary School. Mary Cook also brought up the need for hotspots in the homes of these local students. Denise Mitchell suggested assistance to the city’s elderly population so they can age in place comfortably. Those suggestions included money for bathroom retrofitting, low interest loans, and grant money for other projects. Denise Mitchell also brought up ongoing conversations about not only funding for hotspots, but Chromebook replacements as well. Alaina Pitt suggested grants for entrepreneurs who want to open up businesses in vacant storefronts. She also suggested putting up protections for bike lanes and the Trolley Trail.

Alaina Pitt moved to write a letter to the City Council incorporating the ideas that were presented at this meeting. It was seconded by Stephanie Butler. It passed with no objections.

4. Approval of Board Members

Judy Blumenthal and Lisa Ealley were approved as NCPCA Board Members.

5. New Business and Future Agenda Items

Alaina Pitt reported on the Welcome Wagon brainstorming session with Stephanie Butler and Dylan Burns. The session included how to get the Welcome Wagons directly to people through on-the-ground delivery, including a membership form, important information about the city, and coupons to local businesses. One of the biggest questions is how to find out about local move-ins in North College Park. Cost needs to be determined by gathering more information. Fazlul Kabir suggested adding a booklet that the city makes with useful information about the city.

Councilmember Kabir announced that the Hollywood Streetscape Project has started.

6. Holiday Party — College Park Trivia

There was no vote to end the meeting due to everyone being caught up in the festivities.