M-NCPPC North College Park Community Center Feasibility Study Forum

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is holding a virtual Community Forum on North College Park Community Center Feasibility Study.

The virtual forum/meeting is on Thursday, May 12, 6:30-8 p.m. The North College Park Community Center has been an important issue for North College Park residents for many years. If you do not do virtual meetings but would still like to participate, please let Mary Cook, NCPCA President (marycookcp@gmail.com), know and she will set up a meeting place at a designated spot in Hollywood area (most probably). Tell your neighbors — young and old!! It is important that they participate.

To register for the virtual forum/meeting [you will be sent the link] go to:   https://bit.ly/CommunityMeeting20740

You can complete a survey regarding the Community Center at this link by May 15:  https://forms.gle/s29usFn3s92HzknH8