Minutes of February 2023 Regular Meeting

Meeting Minutes—February 9, 2023

North College Park Community Association (NCPCA)


In Person: 

David Alicea; Melissa Peterson; John Krouse; Carol Macknis; Kate Kennedy; Angeliki Frangos; Arelis Perez; Angelina Lincoln;Don Schmadel; David Turley; Fazlul Kabir; Brendan Wray; Lisa Ealley; Christine O’Brien; James Woodhouse; Naney Woodhouse; Mary Cook; Melissa Daston; Nikki Pancho; Randy Crandell; Kate Kennedy

Online (names written as they appear in chat):

Alaina Pitt; Ariela; Aurangzeb Nisar; Brys Broughton; Donald Hays; Erin; Jason Ford; Judy Blumenthal; keith; Laura Nix; Maria Mackie; Michelle Ford; Phil; Brys Broughton; Stasia Hutchison; Stephanie Butler; Todd Reitzel; Laura Rogers; Michelle Garcia

Minutes Taken By:

Brian J. Roan, Secretary 

Call to Order

Board Member-at-Large David Alicea calls the meeting to order. 

At this point Robert’s Rules of Order are invoked and the question of suspending them is brought up because member-at-large Alicea is not in the line of succession for leading the meeting. There is a contentious exchange regarding what motion to put forward, what amendment is necessary for the motion. After a while a motion is put forward to allow Treasurer Melissa Peterson and Board Member-at-large David Alicea to jointly chair the meeting. Motion is seconded and a vote is held. The motion carries.

After an introduction to the proposed itinerary, there is a confusion from Judy regarding whether or not Robert:s Rules were suspended. Treasurer Peterson reiterates what happened previously for the benefit of Judy. 


Bylaws and Election Discussion

  • David Alicea reiterates history of the resignations of former Vice President Mamatova and President Pitt.
  • David runs down bylaws and historical precedents to explain how and why the board came to the decision to have an election to fill vacancies. 
  • A question is raised to identify the group who decided on this course of action, which is the remaining board, including Treasurer Peterson, Secretary Roan, and Member-at-Large Alicea. 
  • A recommendation from the online chat recommends that a trusted individual be named to help oversee the election, which is agreed upon. 
  • Carol Macknis disagrees with the interpretation of the bylaws, which David rebuts. 
    • David reiterates that vacancies will be filled at the next regular meeting in a way determined by the membership, but that the next section declares a need for an election.
    • Former VP Mamatova points out that the former VP and President Pitt agreed with this course of action and states their confusion regarding the conflict here. 
  • Mary Cook states her desire to have a discussion regarding how to hold the election. 
    • David states that he believes a vote is inevitable, and in the name of expediency and efficiency it makes sense to follow the bylaws.
    • Someone takes exception to his wording, and Secretary Roan rebuts. 
    • Mary reiterates desire for discussion. 
  • Carol Macknis disagrees that an election is prescribed. 
    • Treasurer Peterson asks for a suggested other course of action, and Carol Macknis has none. 
  • Don Schmadel asks for clarity on wording of bylaws regarding “members” versus “members present.” 
    • There is no clear determination regarding language in bylaws. 
    • Most members are not in attendance. 
  • Carol Macknis once more invokes Roberts Rules, meaning it would be a present majority. 
    • David asks for a rough headcount, and Treasurer Peterson says there are 29 present, not necessarily dues-paying members. 
    • David points out that for an organization of 105 people, this is not a representative sample. 
  • Judy Blumenthal questions the urgency. Points out that as a 501(c)4 there must be parliamentary discussions. 
    • David chooses to describe the process proposed to explain that there is no haste. 
  • Treasurer Melissa Peterson begins to delineate the mechanics and timeline for the proposed vote. 
    • Online using legacy software (election buddy)
    • Secret ballot 
    • A candidate’s speech portion during this meeting to introduce themselves to the body. 
  • A motion is put forward to accept the proposed strategy. Seconded by Arelis Perez.
    • Carol Macknis says she has no problem using electionbuddy. She also mentions that the Secretary position needs to be filled, based on a miscommunication from a previous email. 
    • Carol asks about the May and October minutes, under the assumption that they were accepted together. 
      • Secretary Roan clarifies that May and October minutes were put up for individual votes of approval in December. 
    • Secretary Peterson relays message from  Jeff in the chat to suspend further minutes talk. 
    • Laura Rogers asks for clarity regarding nomination process and term lengths. 
      • Secretary Peterson says candidates nominated themselves by sending their candidacy to the NCPCA email account. 
      • Off-cycle election means these positions will run until next normal election in June 2023.
    • John makes a motion that Arelis Perez be brought on to the election committee. 
      • This leads to a long discussion about motions, amendments, rules of procedure. 
      • Vote is held regarding amendment to add Arelis Perez to election committee. Motion passes by a majority. 
        • Judy Blumenthal attempts to continue discussion while recording the sole nay vote. 
    • The rules and procedures for the election are reiterated in advance of vote. Decisions are made regarding email procedure and alerts/warnings to be sent. 
      • A second is recorded. No other comments. 
      • Motion for election passes. 
        • Two nays recorded. 
  • At this point everyone present introduces themselves.

Candidate Introductions

  • Brys, candidate for Vice President, introduces himself. 
  • Random number generator is used to determine order of presidential candidate introductions. 
    • Nikki Pancho goes first. 
    • David Alicea presents second. 
    • Mary Cook presents third.
  • Scheduled topics draw to a close. 

Unscheduled Remarks

  • Carol Macknis talks about Prince George’s County Police Academy. 
  • Arelis Perez makes an announcement regarding the repositioning of Attick Towers. Encourages membership and neighborhood at large to participate and collaborate with the senior and disabled population. 
  • Councilmember Kate Kennedy addresses wish list and priority items for budget. There is a tool to make comments regarding what is desired for the city budget. 
  • Michelle Garcia, chief of staff to County Chair Tom Dernoga, takes the floor. 
    • There is a Police Division 1 coffee club meeting on second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 9 AM. 
    • Senior property tax credit must be applied for by end of April. 
    • There is a senior newsletter, as well.
    • She can be reached at mjgarcia@co.pg.md.us 
  • Councilmember Fazlul Kabir gives an update on the North College Park Community Center, including budget. 
  • Carol wishes to address the question of minutes at the next meeting.
    • Points out that previous minutes approved in December are not on the web site. 
  • Treasurer Peterson asks that people who want to add items to the next meeting send emails to ncpcivic@gmail.com.
  • Carol Macknis brings up lack of update regarding Paintbranch development. 
    • Mary Cook agrees, but cryptically says there is no need to speak to those developers. 
    • Michelle Garcia says she will make sure new officers get alerts regarding new developments so they can bring those items to the membership. Developers will often reach out to community groups before the government.
  • Motion forwarded to adjourn. 
    • Motion is verbally batted back. 
  • Davis Turley and Christine O’Brien talk about wanting to do a Christmas Tree lighting. 
    • Carol suggests new streetscape as a location. 
    • David reiterates need for community input. 
    • Planting to be done hopefully at Arbor Day celebration. 
    • Someone asks about if the tree will be framed around Christianity, and it is clarified as a holiday tree. 
    • Solicits input from the community. 
  • Motion to adjourn happens again. Seconded. Motion carries via vote.