Minutes of September 2024 Meeting

Meeting Minutes—September 12, 2024

North College Park Community Association (NCPCA)


In Person: 

David Alicea; Kamthorn Clary; Jacob Hernandez; John Krause; Melissa Peterson; Todd Reitzel; Brian Roan; Cora Roan; Mary Roop; David Turley

Online (names written as they appear in chat):

Celia Anklesaria; Colette Gravatt; 

Minutes Taken By:

Brian J. Roan, Secretary 

Call to Order

President David Alicea announced the consent to record and began recording, calling the meeting to order. He then ran through the posted agenda. David Turley motioned to approve the agenda and VP Kam Clary seconded. The motion was approved via vote.    


Treasurer Melissa Peterson motioned to approve the June minutes. Kam Clary seconded. No corrections were noted and the motion passed by vote. 

President’s Report

President Alicea welcomed the assembly back following the summer recess. He noted that we want to focus on recruiting new members, cementing more recurring events, and working with other civic and community associations.  

Vice President’s

VP Clary reintroduced himself. He doubled down on wanting to do member outreach and stated his intention to bring more germane topics to these meetings, and to that end stated his intention to send out a survey to membership. He also said that we would be going through the member list trying to make sure that we have the best method of contact for all members. 

Treasurer’s Report

SECU checking account: $1,826.37

SECU savings account: $335.04

Treasurer Peterson reiterated the desire to reconcile the membership list to create an active roster. She also identified goals for future events for the coming year, including tree decorating, blood drives, and community events. 

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Brian J. Roan reiterated his usual desire for people to state their names both when addressing the body and in the Zoom chat to facilitate notetaking.  

Development Committee Director Report 

Director Brendan Wray noted the central US1 Planning Workshops that will he happening at the Chinese Bible Church at 9618 Autoville Dr on Tuesday September 17 and Thursday September 19 (www.pgplan.org/centralus1workshops). He noted that the RFPs for the Duvall Field project have been posted and there is a possible groundbreaking in NOvember or December based on bids. Updating about the Autoville townhomes, the development will not exceed 8 units. The new Hollywood sidewalk on the south side should have constructing beginning within the next 3–4 weeks. Construction on 51st Ave and Huron St. has begun. General repairs around the city have begun on sidewalks to address trip hazards and drainage concerns based on feedback from residents delivered to the city. 

Event Director Mary Roop asked if the US1 Workshops would be related to the surveys sent out to residents.  

David Turley asked why there were no updates about the Shoppers Shopping Center at Cherry Hill Rd. There was uncertainty about the item but Direct Wray made a note. Director Roop seemed to believe that the intersection was addressed in the survey that was sent out. People interested in the survey being discussed can find it English (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CentralUS-1_Survey_English) and Spanish (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CentralUS-1_Survey_Spanish).  David Turley voiced more concerns about the layout of the intersection and the Director Wray suggested he reach out to coucilmembers Jacob Hernandez and Alan Hew to voice his concerns so they can address the county.

Events Committee Update

Direct Roop plugged the Hollywood Farmers Market which is every Saturday until late November from 10am–2pm. She also brought up the Hey, Hollywood! Event happening at Hollywood Neighborhood Park on Saturday September 14 from noon–5pm with games and activities. She dress attention to Vamos a Bailar on Friday September 20 from 5:30–7:30 with a movie screening to follow at Duvall Field. College Park Day will happen on Saturday October 5 from noon–6pm. 

CM Jacob Hernandez also plugged Latinas in Aviation on Saturday September 14 from 10am–4pm.  Director Roop also plugged Friday Night Lights, which will happening on October 11 from 4pm–7pm at the City Hall Plaza.

Director Roop closed by noting objectives for future events discussed by the board, including raising awareness for local businesses, member engagement, and collaborating with city committees. She invited people to discuss their own objectives either now or when the survey goes out later on. Possible projects discussed by the board were a Local Business Night, enhanced outreach to community groups and city committees, as well as a community grant to fund decorations and a placard for the North College Park tree. She opened the floor to ideas and also invited people to reach out via survey and email.

David Turley noted that a grant to get more decorations for the tree would be welcome. CM Hernandez noted that the tree park will be getting benches. There will be a Good Neighbor Day project to add a Little Free Library, Community Pantry, and painting the storm drain all at the tree. Good Neighbor Day is October 26, and CM Hernandez noted that this could be a chance to decorate the tree. He brought up work he has done to try to reach out to the community businesses. Krause asked about what was motivating the Central US1 Planning Workshops, and CM Hernandez ran through the history of the zoning update. This turned into a long conversation about the county interests in developing certain areas. Krause noted that we had previously been designated as a community preservation area. 

Regarding this development, President Alicea noted that we ought to reach out to membership that will be directly affected in order to let them know about what is happening. The conversation turned to means of communication. Todd Reitzel offered to do outreach in the community since he lives in that area. 

Unscheduled Motions and Announcements

President Alicea opened the floor to unscheduled motions and announcements. No motions were forthcoming. 

Todd Reitzel noted that this coming Sunday, September 15, the University will be holding a benefit recital at CSPAC from 7pm–8pm. Good Neighbor Day is the morning of October 26. Registration is open and can be filled in at https://oce.umd.edu/good-neighbor-day.

CM Hernandez made announcements related to the state of education in the neighborhood. Hollywood Elementary was cited as having had an article published in Telemundo. Parkdale High School is attempting to start a PTA. Monarch School has been doing scholarships for low income and ESL families. He then ran through construction updates. CM Hernandez noted the coming addition of stop sign cameras and asked people to write in either in favor or against them. This led to a discussion of traffic issues for the al-Huda school. CM Hernandez solicited ideas for how to build engagement within the community. VP Clary suggested using the app to build communication. CM Hernandez brought up the ongoing issues regarding the county attempting to shift firefighters. According to him the county has yet to sufficiently explain why these firefighters need to be moved. The city had sued the county to restrain the movement of the firefighters but that was unsuccessful. 

Krause motions to hold a conversation about the firefighter issue in October. Secretary Roan seconded. The motion passed by vote. 

Dave Turley said that Branchville Fire Department is having an open house Sunday October 6 around 11am–3pm.

Treasurer Peterson noted that College Park Day needs volunteers. Interested parties should reach out to Kevin Blackerby.  

Call to Adjourn

Secretary Roan motioned to adjourn. VP Clary seconded. The motion passed by vote.