Minutes of November 2024 Meeting (Pending Approval)

Meeting Minutes—November 14, 2024

North College Park Community Association (NCPCA)


In Person: 

David Alicea; Kamthorn Clary; Daniel Douglas; Mary Roop; David Turley

Online (names written as they appear in chat):


Minutes Taken By:

Brian J. Roan, Secretary 

Call to Order

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President’s Report

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Vice President’s

VP Kam Clary plugged the NCPCA Member Engagement Survey and requested that all interested parties fill out the survey to help the board make decisions regarding NCPCA agendas and outreach for the future.. 

Treasurer’s Report

SECU checking account: $1,626.08

SECU savings account: $335.24

Treasurer Melissa Peterson ran down the costs the NCPCA had incurred since the last meeting. This includes Zoom costs, tree decorations, and a MailChimp upgrade for one month. She then delineated the remaining balances for the SECU accounts. 

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Brian J. Roan was not in attendance, but President David Alicea reiterated his usual desire for people to state their names both when addressing the body and in the Zoom chat to facilitate notetaking.  

Development Committee Director Report 

Director Brendan Wray began with updates on the Hollywood sidewalk and the Davis Field community garden. The north side section is unfeasible, and so the plan is now to locate the garden plots to the south. Public works will work to draw up and approve plans. He also noted the work done by the US 1 survey charrettes and feedback received during those meetings. 

In addition, he alerted the membership to the potential building of a car wash on a vacant lot on Route 1. He requested input, and VP Clary said he was opposed to the building, citing the existence of car washes already in place. He would prefer a neighborhood-focused development. He also noted traffic concerns. David Turley noted that he would prefer if the lot stayed a green space. Treasurer Peterson echoed both VP Clary and David Turley. She noted concerns about drainage and runoff. President Alicea asked if Director Wray knew how far into the process development was, and Director Wray noted that they were still looking for feedback and would not move forward if there was an overwhelming desire not to see it made. Celia Anklesaria agreed that we have enough car washes and offered as an alternative the idea of a pop-up space for local businesses. Isaac, a resident on Erie, echoed the desire not to see a car wash. He did however say he liked the idea of more restaurants for the community. David Turley noted concerns about the environmental impact of a car wash, VP Clary noted that it added nothing to the community and encouraged the desire for development in another direction. Treasurer Peterson noted how other car washes in the area back up traffic. She also suggested that it could become a food truck park. Events Director Mary Roop stated that she was in favor of new businesses coming in but was concerned about the traffic flow—she called the current plan unrealistic. President Alicea asked if there was a defined way for the developer to receive feedback—Director Wray said he would speak to the planning department and the a representative from Councilman Dernoga’s office was present and could take feedback to the county. Treasurer Peterson brought up Breaking Bad and concerns of money laundering. Mary Roop noted that Jacob Hernandez solicited feedback in his email as well—President Alicea that the more channels of feedback the better. Director Wray said he would take the feedback to the city and that he presently had heard no one speak in favor of the development. 

Events Committee Update

Director Roop gave an accounting of the tree decorating that took place on the same day as Good Neighbor Day. She also drew attention to the final weeks of the Farmers Market at the Mom’s parking lot on Saturdays from 10am-2pm. The December NCPCA meeting will be a potluck on Thursday December 12, at 7:30 PM. She also highlighted College Park city events—the gingerbread house competition and the city Winter Wonderland and Tree Lighting on Saturday December 7, all day.  

President Alicea noted his excitement for the potluck and encouraged people to come.

Unscheduled Motions and Announcements

President Alicea gave updates on the Branchville fire station. He noted that the next day’s meeting was invite only. Updates from that meeting would be brought back by board members. 

Unscheduled Motions and Announcements

President Alicea opened the floor to unscheduled motions and announcements. No motions were forthcoming. 

Daniel Douglas, the constituent service specialist for the North College Park and Beltsville area for Councilman Tom Dernoga made announcements. This included the fire service reallocation meeting that was taking place at the same time. He also noted the Central US 1 meeting that would be happening on December 11 at Davis Hall. The county police will be accepting coat donations until November 29. Open enrollment for federal healthcare will continue until January 15. Office of Councilmemebr Dernoga has a newsletter that can be subscribed to.

Call to Adjourn

Director Roop motioned to adjourn. VP Clary seconded. The motion passed by vote.