Meeting Minutes—January 9, 2024
North College Park Community Association (NCPCA)
In Person:
Kamthorn Clary; Daniel Douglas; Michelle Garcia; Angeliki Frangos; CM Jacob Hernandez; CM Alan Hew; Mayor Fazlul Kabir; George Papaspyrou; Arelis Perez; Melissa Peterson; Todd Reitzel; Brian Roan; Cora Roan; Mary Roop; David Turley
Online (names written as they appear in chat):
Celia Anklesaria, Jenna Moore, Christine O’Brien, Donald Hayes, Brendan Wray; Rakhmel Rafi, Councilmember Maria Mackie
Minutes Taken By:
Brian J. Roan, Secretary
Call to Order
President David Alicea called them meeting to order and read out the agenda. Secretary Brian J. Roan motioned to approve the agenda. Arelis Perez seconded. The motion passed by vote.
Vice President Kam Clary motioned to approve the December minutes. Arelis Perez seconded. No debate, and the minutes were approved by vote.
President’s Report
President Alicea reiterated the focus of the 2024-2025 session. He thanked people for attending the December pot luck and noted the need for a media/communications director to help with email and social media. He noted the interest from some members related to how to give feedback to the city council regarding their proposed amendment to the city charter extending the powers of the council to appoint council vacancies. Arelis Perez noted that she had sent her opposition in email to and encouraged NCPCA to likewise send a letter. President Alicea noted there would be a conversation about this later in the meeting.
Vice President’s
VP Clary solicited feedback from NCPCA membership regarding what they would like to see the NCPCA accomplish. Potential ideas culled from survey are spotlights on local businesses, sourcing monthly topics of discussions from members. In all, he wanted to encourage more outreach and engagement. People interested in engaging should write to
Treasurer’s Report
SECU checking account: $1,599.08
SECU savings account: $335.44
Treasurer Melissa Peterson noted a charge for MailChimp upgrades. There will be small expenditures on community tree decorations.
Secretary’s Report
Secretary Brian J. Roan reiterated his usual desire for people to state their names both when addressing the body and in the Zoom chat to facilitate notetaking.
Events Committee Update
Director Mary Roop thanked people for taking part in tree decorating last month. She also noted that the next tree decorating will take place on February 8 from 11am-1pm at the community tree for Valentine’s Day. The local business spotlight series will begin in late February, most likely at Terrapin Station. People with suggestions for local businesses can email to put forward their suggestions.
She also noted that we are proposing a plaque for the North College Park community tree to be unveiled in the spring.
David Turley noted that Terrapin Station has already been very hospitable to local groups.
Councilmember Jacob Hernandez noted that funds used for the tree already could be used for the plaque.
Mayor Fazlul Kabir noted that the Berwyn Civic Association gets city funds to help translate their communications into Spanish.
Director Roop noted city-wide events: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day will be celebrated with a showing of Selma at 1pm in City Hall on January 20. The city will be supporting the community food bank this month with collections at city buildings from January 1-30.
Development Committee Report
Director Brendan Wray was sick and said he could not meet with his city liaison.
Trolley Trail Extension
Mayor Kabir noted that the planning director is interested in this potential proposal and has a proxy in attendance.
Donald Hayes introduced the motion by explaining the history of its inception—a local desire for walkability and cycling. A conversation in the community brought up how the southern portion of the trolley trail is nicer than our portion, which is more of a bike lane on a road. He believes extending the trolley trail could serve the community. He moved that the NCPCA request to the city council the extension of the trolley trail. VP Clary seconded the motion.
VP Clary then ran through the funding of two extensions in Hyattsville and College Park and asked Mayor Kabir if this kind of extension was feasible in terms of money. Mayor Kabir noted that this would depend on where the community wants the trail to go. City engineers said it could be looked in to. He noted that currently North College Park has a “half trolley trail” with the bike lanes. Donald Hayes noted that the point of the motion was to signal the community commitment to increasing walkability and for the city to engage stakeholders. Arelis Perez thinks the motion is an excellent idea and it is great to get the conversation stated, but from the state level this will be a difficult year with a $3 billion deficit. Community stakeholders are upset about property taxes going up. The community at large in district one needs to be polled. Secretary Roan wondered if this wasn’t the start of the conversation. Director Roop was curious if the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) had been engaged and could be brought into the fold in making this request. Donald Hayes, a member of the committee, said it had been discussed, though he was bringing it up here as a resident. He also noted that only the city has the capacity to engage the whole community. Previous actions by the BPAC were directed by the Council, and so this motion would hopefully engage Council to engage BPAC. Michelle Garcia, COS to Tom Dernoga, noted that the section from Odessa to Sunnyside is having a concept study that should be done soon. It will be shared as soon as it is ready. Mayor Kabir noted that the city often engages the community—e.g., South College Park and Calvert Hills looking for a dog park. So a motion such as this would not be the first time such a thing was done. CM Hernandez said he appreciated the motion. It is important, he said, that the NCPCA body be behind this because this will begin a formal process and there are things to consider regarding logistics and money. Celia Anklesaria asked if this motion would be the proper first step to engage the city since they have a wider capacity to gauge interest. Mayor Kabir said that Calvert Hills ran an online survey with city engagement. Donald Hayes once again noted that already speaking about funding is moving beyond the moment. Mayor Kabir noted that as Rhode Island Ave. is now a city road, the funding would be funded completely by the city of College Park. Grant money could be sought from the state, though. CM Hernandez noted that if this motion was approved, it would allow a letter of interest to be sent to the Council noting community interest; this would then lead to the Council moving into action. Treasurer Peterson asked if the letter was on behalf of all of North College Park or NCPCA. Secretary Roan noted that the letter would have to come from the NCPCA, and also asked if there was a different route to go through to begin this process. CM Hew noted past discussions and plans that had happened in the past. Steve Halpern, the city engineer, has studied this and it is not a new plan. This was then the bike lane was decided upon, so ballpark costs may be available from the past. VP Clary notes that he desires to begin the data gathering process. Michelle Garcia noted that to those who receive the letters this does note the community. CM Hernandez noted that these letters carry a lot of power. Todd Reitzel stated that the motion was a great idea to look at and thanked Donald Hayes for bringing it forward. He noted it was important for safety and inclusivity. CM Maria Mackie noted how her previous tenure on her civic association involved advocating for a trail; this would only be the beginning of a long process. Mayor Kabir noted overlap between the bike lanes and previous trolley trail ideas. CM Hernandez noted his need to abstain from the vote but supported whatever the community came together to note as an idea. Director Wray noted that funding could be done in segments to spread cost. Treasurer Peterson also noted some of Brendan’s points, the need to solve the crossing issue at Greenbelt Rd. Secretary Roan said he thought the extension would be good both in terms of safety and economics and said concerns about us speaking for the whole community would be ameliorated through broader conversation with the community as the city investigates the opportunity. CM Hew spoke regarding the idea. Mayor Kabir brought up Trolley Trail Day, which takes place from Hollywood to Hyattsville—so North College Park is already viewed in that way as the Trolley Trail, though not for walking.
The motion went to a vote.
Abstentions: 4
Yeahs: 18.
Nays: 0
The NCPCA will draft a letter in accordance with the motion.
Unscheduled Motions and Announcements
Secretary Roan put forward a motion to oppose the charter amendment put forward by the city council to extend the period in which a person could be appointed to a council vacancy. Currently a vacancy less than 180 days can be appointed. The amendment would make it 356/366 days. Arelis Perez seconded. CM Hernandez noted that this would only offer then the choice to do so. Donald Hayes noted that this was an unfair claiming of district representation. VP Clary noted that this situation is rare, and incumbents have a massive advantage in elections. Arelis Perez agreed with Donald and VP Clary and Secretary Roan. She asked about the extension to four year terms, but this failed. CM Hernandez noted the cost—$13,600—and that this discussion was started by the current resignee, CM Stuart Adams. Mayor Kabir noted that the packet language from the Council meeting was changed in an amendment to allow for choice between appointment and election. Secretary Roan noted that the city spends our money on things the citizens beg them not to, why would they balk at spending money on allowing them to have a voice in their representation. CM Hew noted that a special election would be followed quickly by another election—Secretary Roan noted that someone who cares about that shouldn’t run.
Abstentions: 4
Yeahs: 12
Nays: 1
No other unscheduled motions were noted.
Announcements began with Mayor Kabir—January 8 at the MOM’s parking lot there was an armed robbery. He noted police patrols increasing in North College Park and the arrests made with relation to previous criminal activity. Public safety meetings will begin quarterly, with the first happening on February 3.
Arelis Perez encouraged people to help out with Neighbors Helping Neighbors especially with regards to snow shovelling. The Boy Scouts, Troop 740, helped with the most recent storm.
Angel Frangos asked about the means for adding speed bumps to a street. Mayor and CM Hernandez said they would reach out with the petition to her.
George Papaspyrous asked if MOM’s had a potential plan for increased lights or cameras. Mayor Kabor has sent an email to the director of public safety. CM Hew noted that the shopping center is private property and the city has had a hard time working with them on these issues related to public safety and other issues.
CM Hernandez is planning on a late January or early February discussion about the budget with D1 residents. He also hopes to talk about public safety and share ideas. County executive special election is coming up. He emplored the membership to look into candidates and take part in the election—noting crime and ongoing firefighter situation. He also updated on the car wash on Route 1, where the owner might want another property. City special election is happening in District 3, where CM Adams resigned. City Manager expects a groundbreaking for Duvall Field “quite soon,” according to CM Hernandez.
Angel Frangou noted MLK Jr. Day laser show and Selma screening; Asian American Heritage Event – Lunar New Year – Feb. 1; and the Spring Street Fair on May 3.
Michelle Garcia noted a learning session about zoning. More information and more events to come by email.
Arelis Perez noted late emails and lack of communication of announcements, and President Alicea used this to once more ask for a communications director.
Director Roop asked for clarity related to communications questions asked by Arelis Perez. She noted that she felt it was more in line with the NCPCA mission to promote NCPCA and local events, not citywide events.
CM Hew noted that the office of community engagement wants to set a date for the next community cleanup. He asked Michelle Garcia about local develop news, and she was not prepared to announce anything presently.
Call to Adjourn
Angel Frangos motioned to adjourn. VP Clary seconded. The motion passed by vote.