Regular Meting on February 14, 2019
North College Park Community Association February 14, 2019 – Regular Meeting at Davis Hall Attendance included Councilmember Fazlul Kabir; Guests: Rob Landau, Richard Sloane, Michelle Garcia Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Agenda approved after adjustment to switch time slots with Zoning Rewrite Initiative and NCPCA Picnic update. January 2019 Minutes Approved. Compassion &…
Regular Meting on January 10, 2019
Attendance included Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir, Kate Kennedy, Denise Mitchell. Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Agenda Approved. December 2018 Minutes Approved. NCPCA City Budget Priorities Forum. President Krouse led a forum on issues attendees consider budget priorities for the City of College Park. A list of concerns was collected, and NCPCA will formalize a set of recommendations at the February meeting.…
Regular Meeting on December 13, 2018
Attendance included Councilmember Fazlul Kabir and Suchitra Balachandran, President, West College Park Citizens Association Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm November 8, 2018 Minutes Approved. U.M. Golf Course: Suchitra Balachandran presented an updated on the “repurposing” of the Univ. of Md. Golf Course which involves the loss of four holes. The U.M. repurposing plan is opposed by the Friends…
Regular Meeting on November 8, 2018
North College Park Community Association (NCPCA) Minutes of November 8, 2018 Regular Meeting Attendance included: Chad Williams, Master Planner & Bryan Barnett-Woods, Planner Coordinator of Prince George’s County Planning Division; Terry Schum, City of College Park Planning Director; Prince George’s County Police Lt. Nick Collins; District 1 College Park Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Kate Kennedy. Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. October…
Regular Meeting on October 11, 2018
Attendance included District 1 Councilmembers Fazlul Kabir and Kate Kennedy; District 4 Councilmember Dustyn Burkart Kujawa, Mayor Patrick Wojahn, Guest Speakers Ray Ranker and Jackie Kelly Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Agenda amended to read under New Business, “next meeting on November 8”. September Minutes Approved. Guest Speaker, Ray Ranker, Independent Candidate for…