Pending Amendments:
There are currently no pending amendments.
Previous Amendments:
Members passed the following proposed amendments to Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article VII at the July 8, 2021 Regular Monthly Meeting. Specific changes are noted in bold and underlined.
Section 2 Changes
Section 2: Nominating Committee. No later than the April meeting the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members to make nominations. Any member may nominate another member up to the time of the election when the nominee is added to the ballot as a write-in candidate.
Section 2: Nominating Committee. The President may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of one or more members to make nominations. Any member may nominate another member up to the time of the election when the nominee is added to the ballot as a write-in candidate.
Section 3 Changes
Section 3: Term and Procedure. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year. The President shall cause ballots to be prepared for the June meeting with the names of all persons duly nominated at the May meeting, and shall appoint an election committee to count ballots at the June meeting. Elections shall be by secret ballot for each contested office; if an office has only one candidate, a motion from the floor to elect that candidate by acclamation shall be in order. A majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect each officer. Voting at the June meeting for election of officers shall be open to all members of record and tallied as soon as possible after the ballots are cast. When the ballots for any office do not provide a majority of votes for a candidate, then the names of the two candidates with the most votes for the office shall be immediately entered into a run-off election. The candidate with the majority of votes cast in the run-off election shall be elected.
Section 3: Term and Procedure. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year. The President shall cause ballots to be prepared for the June meeting with the names of all nominated persons, and shall appoint an election committee to count ballots. Elections shall be by secret ballot for each contested office; if an office has only one candidate, a motion from the floor to elect that candidate by acclamation shall be in order. A majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect each officer. Voting shall be open to all members of record and tallied as soon as possible after the ballots are cast. When the ballots for any office do not provide a majority of votes for a candidate, then the names of the two candidates with the most votes for the office shall be immediately entered into a run-off election. The candidate with the majority of votes cast in the run-off election shall be elected.
Section 4 Changes
Section 4: Continuance in Office. In the event that nominees for an office cannot be identified for election at the June meeting, that officer shall continue in office until such time as sufficient nominees are identified and an election is held. If the election of officers cannot take place at the June meeting, the election shall take place at the next scheduled meeting at which sufficient nominees exist for election.
Section 4.Continuance in Office. In the event that nominees for an office cannot be identified for election at the June meeting, that officer shall continue in office until an election is held. If the election of officers cannot take place in June, the election shall take place at the next regular meeting or special meeting in conformance with Article V of these Bylaws.
Members passed the following proposed amendments at the March 14, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting
Article 1 Name
Added: “NCPCA is incorporated in the State of Maryland as North College Park Citizens Association, and uses that name for all tax and legal purposes.”
Article IV Membership Section 3
Deleted: “The Association may, in addition to dues, assess an annual mailing fee to cover the cost of sending the newsletter and other communications by postal mail.”
Article V Meeting Section 5 Quorum
Replaced: “The presence of five members, other than the Executive Committee shall be required to constitute a quorum in any regular or special meeting of the NCPCA.”
With: “A quorum at a meeting shall be at least seven NCPCA members.”
The following item, although not part of the By-Laws, was approved at the March 14, 2019 Regular Meeting and is included here for information:
Dues Increase: Dues of NCPCA shall be $10 per year, starting June 1, 2019.
NOTE: Dues must be paid before the NCPCA officer elections in June, 2019.
Members passed the following proposed amendment at the March 9, 2017 Regular Monthly Meeting.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The North College Park Citizens Community Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “the NCPCA”.
The following proposed amendment was NOT APPROVED:
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The North College Park Civic Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “the NCPCA”.
Members passed the following proposed amendment at the March 10, 2011 Regular Monthly Meeting.
Article X: Dissolution
Section 1: Dissolution for Lack of Interest. If there is no quorum for four (4) consecutive meetings the Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, dissolve the NCPCA.
Section 2: Dissolution for Any Other Reason. Any member may initiate a proposal to dissolve the Association at any regular meeting of the NCPCA. The majority of the members present shall determine whether dissolution should be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting and considered for adoption at that meeting. If the majority so decides, a written copy of the motion for dissolution shall be given or mailed to each member at least five days before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. At that meeting, the adoption of the proposal for dissolution shall require two-thirds vote of members present, but in no event less than a quorum.
Section 3: Distribution of Assets Upon Dissolution. In the absence of specific instructions from the membership the Executive Committee shall distribute the assets of the NCPCA to an account designated by the City of College Park for public improvements within the boundaries in Article II, Section 1. An account existing for a narrower purpose, such as the Veterans Memorial, Duvall Field, or the Youth and Family Services Building, may satisfy this requirement.
Section 4: Restrictions. In no event shall any member benefit financially from the distribution of assets. Any distribution of assets must comply with the restriction in Article 2.
Members passed the following proposed amendment at the January 13, 2011 regular meeting.
Article VIII: Proposed Changes:
Section 2: Amendment. These By-Laws may be amended by resolution offered by any member. Any member may initiate a proposal to amend these bylaws at any regular meeting of the NCPCA. The majority of the members present shall determine whether an amendment should be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting and considered for adoption at that meeting. Any resolution presented to amend the By-Laws shall be voted on by the membership at the next regular meeting. If the majority so decides, a written copy of the proposed amendment(s) to the By-Laws shall be given or mailed to each member at least five days before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. At that meeting, the adoption of the proposed amendment to the By-Laws shall require two-thirds vote of members present, but in no event less than a quorum.
The “Bill of Rights” amendment that was introduced at the March 11, 2010 regular meeting and debated at the April 8, 2010 regular meeting was NOT APPROVED. See the minutes for the March 11, 2010 meeting and April 8, 2010 meeting for further information on this proposed amendment.
Last updated July 8, 2021