
  • Regular Meeting on May 10, 2007

    Meeting called to order at 7:30pm. The Treasurer reports an account balance of $1056.39. Bill Robertson moved to approve the April minutes and Peter Lakeland seconded; the vote in favor was unanimous. County Councilman Tom Dernoga and his assistant Faith Calhoun were present, as were Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Ben Barnes and Barbara Frush (21st District Delegates),…

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  • Regular Meeting on April 12, 2007

    Meeting called to order at 7:30pm. The Treasurer reports that our account balance is $1012.39.  Peter Lakeland moved to approve the March minutes and Joan Carol Poor seconded; the vote in favor was unanimous.  City Councilmembers Jack Perry and John Krouse were in attendance.  There were XX members and XX guests were in attendance.  …

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  • Regular Meeting on March 8, 2007

    Meeting called to order at 7:30pm. The Treasurer was out of the state and therefore there is no report on our account balance $1067.49.  Jamie Lark moved to approve the January minutes and Bill Robertson seconded; the vote in favor was unanimous.  City Councilmembers Krouse, Milligan, Cook and Catlin, and Mayor Brayman were in attendance,…

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  • Regular Meeting on February 8, 2007

    Meeting called to order at 7:30pm. The NCPCA account balance is now $1054.29.  Peter Lakeland moved to approve the January minutes and Bill Robertson seconded, noting that he had seconded the motion to adjourn the January meeting; the vote in favor was unanimous.  City Councilmembers Krouse, Milligan, Hampton, Catlin and Cook were in attendance throughout,…

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  • Regular Meeting on January 11, 2007

    Meeting called to order at 7:30pm.  The NCPCA account balance is now $1092.89. Vicky Hageman was recognized for having saved the Treasury some money on discounted signs advertising Association meetings. Bill Robertson moved to approve the January minutes and Dolores Pasta seconded; the vote in favor was unanimous. Mayor Brayman and City Councilmembers Krouse, Milligan,…

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